An AUP, Acceptable Use Policy, communicates the guidelines for acceptable use of technology and the internet for a school or district. This agreement often signed by staff, students, and parents identifies what is appropriate and sometimes even specifies inappropriate behavior with technology. With the constantly changing world of technology, AUPs should be updated regularly.
AUP’s are written in many different forms and use different approaches to the language used to guide students’ use. Common Sense Media offers a step by step guide to creating an AUP and suggests that topics such as use of network, internet safety, filtering and monitoring, copyright, network security and privacy, disciplinary action, digital citizenship, and social media usage may be included. (2014).
Recently, guidelines for BYOD, Bring Your Own Device, have been added to AUP policies in districts that allow students to use their own devices in classrooms using the school internet service. The Ballico-Cressey School District has included guidelines for their students who bring their own technology. The policy gives examples of types of technology included in BYOD and specifies they are allowed its use “provided such technology is used for instructional purposes” (2014).
In my district teachers were sent an email with a new AUP attached. There is a dramatic difference in the two policies both in content and length. I find the language to be written in a very negative tone which I feel discourages students from using technology. My district would benefit from having shareholders involved in the process of creating their AUP. Most districts have policies already in place for bullying and cheating. By making sure these policies address behavior in regards to technology, it does not need to be included in the user agreement. This allows agreements to be simplified and written in a more positive manner (McLeod, 2012). An example of a policy written in positive language encouraging students to be responsible on line can be found in Merced City School District’s Network Acceptable Use Contract (2014). This policy is written in student friendly language encouraging appropriate behavior, internet safety, respect for other students and simply states if these rules are not followed they will no longer be able to use the computer.
It is important however, that the policies we put in place to protect our district and our students, does not prevent the teacher from using technology to facilitate learning.
Atwater Elementary School District. (2014). Student acceptable use agreement. Retrieved from
Ballico Cressey School District. (2014). Acceptable use policy for student of technology resources. Retrieved from
Central Unified School District (n.d.) Student electronic resources acceptable use contract. Retrieved from
Common Sense Media. (2014). 1-1 essentials- acceptable use policies. Retrieved from
Merced City School District. (2014). Network acceptable use contract. Retrieved from
McLeod, S. (2014). Instead of an AUP, how about an EUP. Retrieved from
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