Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Using Spreadsheets in the Classroom

The ease of using Google forms to collect information has created an easy introduction to spreadsheets for those who might not use them otherwise.  Knowing how to manipulate the data after it has been collected into a spreadsheet is just as useful.  At the beginning of the year, I begin by sending out a Google form to gather information from my students.  Throughout the year, I use that information (that Google has so nicely converted to a spreadsheet) in many different ways.  The email addresses are all collected and added to a group contact for a class mailing list.  The names, first and/or last, are often used for websites that have a built in class management system or allow bulk sign up as a classroom.  I also create a separate sheet of student names and numbers to use as grading sheets, check off lists, and other daily tasks.  This same spreadsheet can be used for seating charts and student grouping without a lot of extra work.

If you are new to Google spreadsheets, there are many tutorials available to assist you. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning has a great tutorial lessons for using Google sheets.  The tutorial lessons provide instruction in areas like getting started, formatting, and formulas from simple to complex.

There are endless possibilities for using spreadsheets in the classroom, and many of them support math.  Driar (2001) states, “Interactive spreadsheets can be designed by a teacher to provide students with a laboratory-like environment to investigate a mathematical problem.” In her article, she elaborates giving many examples for teachers of middle and secondary school to use in their classrooms.  Besides manipulating data and formulas, spreadsheets can be used for graphing, flashcards, and probability.  Using spreadsheets gives students a better understanding of how technology can enhance their learning.

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning. (2011-2014). Retrieved from http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2013/05/everything-teachers-need-to-know-about.html

Drier, H.S. (2001) Teaching and Learning Math with Interactive Spreadsheets. School Science and Mathematics. Retrieved from  http://mathed.byu.edu/kleatham/Classes/Fall2008/MthEd308/Drier2001TeachingAndLearningMathematicsWithInteractiveSpreadsheets.pdf

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