Sunday, November 16, 2014

Obstacles and Challenges of Technology in Math

Throughout the past few weeks, I have enjoyed the opportunity to focus on integrating technology into my 5th grade math class.  Although I have found many resources to use to enhance and transform my math instruction through the use of technology, I also realized there are some obstacles involved as well.  Three obstacles in integrating technology in math class were apparent in my own experience.

Overwhelming amount of math sites available-
When searching for resources to teach multiplication, an abundance of resources are available.  Not a bad problem to have, right?  However, not all resources are created equally.  I am constantly looking for the best resource to improve my lessons and teach my students.   I don’t always have the time needed to research each option.  That’s where social media and education are my best solution.  Thanks to educational blogs I have access to research that other educators have reviewed.  The more educators share, the more we all (teachers and students) benefit.

Lack of resources for common core methods of math-
Many of the resources online are in game format.  While this is great for practicing rote skills and engaging less interested students in math, it doesn’t mirror the format of math testing for common core.  As common core materials are adopted for state curriculum, more online content is becoming available.  I believe this is a naturally occurring problem anytime new methods are adopted.  In time, resources will become more abundant.  Meanwhile, it is important for those who have the capabilities to help fill the gap. 

Lack of available technology -
Overcoming a lack of technology (devices) in the classroom is a big obstacle if nothing is available.  However, many times technology is available, but limited.  As the push for technology use in the classroom increases the more importance districts are placing on the funding of technology.  I think it’s important to be creative, use what is available to the best of our ability.  Meanwhile, definitely prepare for tomorrow.  In one study of preservice teachers, their expectations for technology in the classroom brought disappointment.  “They expected a fast, high-quality technology and were surprised when the technology in their field placement was not what they expected (Herron, 2010).  There are two schools of thought with technology.  On one side, there is a belief that there should be training for teachers in technology to ensure they are prepared to use the devices when they are purchased.  The other side believes if the devices are placed in the classroom, teachers will increase their use as they are trained relieving the frustration of knowing how to use technology but not having it available.  I believe there are positive and negatives to both sides and sometimes it just comes down to how and when funding is available.

There will always be obstacles with technology in the classroom.  Curriculum changes, technology changes.  Overcoming the barriers in education is part of our ever changing world.


Herron, J. (2010).  Implementation of technology in an elementary mathematics lesson: The experience of pre-service teachers at one university.  SRATE Journal, 19(1), 22.  Retrieved from:

Roblyer, M.D., & Doering, Aaron H. (2013) Integrating educational technology into teaching (6th edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

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