My learning theory mash-up uses three theories of learning combined to create my own learning theory. This theory applies to both my teaching style/philosophy and creating educational experiences for my students through gaming in the classroom.
From Anchored Instruction, I like the ability to unite a group of learners with a shared experience. As proven in our online experience aboard the Prometheus, learners from different backgrounds and experiences can come together quickly after a shared experience.
The Elaboration Theory expresses a key factor in building successful games, moving from simple to complex. Allowing the learner to understand the big idea (get to the end of the maze), then focus on one detail (jump over lava) and then move back out to the big picture (jump over lava to get to the end of the maze), and so on increasing difficulty with each step sets the learner up for success.
As learners play through games, drawing on previous knowledge and past experience, as in Discovery Learning, they are able to create new meaning and discover new relationships. This theory supports both simulation-based learning and problem-based learning.
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