Let me show you just a little of what I saw as I explored.
Learning by seeing a model is very helpful to help students understand a concept. BUT- being able to touch and interact with a model takes learning to another level.
One of the courses offered students voting chairs which helped students interact in their virtual class. Another study evaluated how a choice of avatar would influence a teachers perception of the students.
Exploring through the caves took a little practice. On my first visit to the cave I only found one building and after a thorough exploration, decided to leave and return when I had more time. I did return with more time to play and I had learned how to fly. Crossing a body of water is no problem with the ability to fly.
After finding a door to another area, I learned how to use the transports and exploring became much more fun!
This is an example of a virtual reality created for learning. Could you imagine taking a field trip without leaving your classroom. How about being able to interact with objects you would normally only see?
Like this trip INSIDE an aquarium which even provides diving gear. (At this point I did not try it on. For now, I have had enough of changing uniforms and would hate to show up to class dressed in scuba gear.)
The best part....discovering that the body of water that I had flown over...was full of marine life to explore.
This was an amazing experience. I have already started thinking about how this could work in my own class. So happy to have this hands on learning experience.
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